
为了更好地为您服务, the Brescia University 信息技术 department has put the following procedures in place to offer the support you need in an efficient and timely manner.

To request support or report a problem please do one of the following:

  1. 填写一张 支持的票.
  2. Call the IT department at extension 4186 (on campus only) or 270-663-4186 (off campus) and submit your request/report over the telephone.

All work performed by the IT department needs to go through one of the above mentioned channels. It is preferred that you use the 帮助台, but when necessary you may contact the 信息技术 Department by phone.


Full coverage of outdoor areas on campus and inside most all academic buildings on campus are available for wireless access.

To access Brescia University wireless, you must have a 802.11a或802.11b或802.11g无线网卡. 802.11n is not available at this time.

Your username to login to the wireless network on campus is your Brescia University email address and your password is your Brescia University email password.

If you have issues connecting to the wireless network please visit the 帮助台 然后提交罚单.

Peer-to-Peer File Sharing Information

Brescia University takes copyright issues very seriously and we have a copyright policy in place. Both the RIAA and MPAA have stepped up their search of illegally obtained music/movies and users must be aware of the legal action they potentially face. All users of Brescia University resources are bound by use of our copyright policy.

如果你不同意 布雷西亚大学政策, then you may not use Brescia University resources.


Basic Information for Mobile Devices


iPhone和iPod Touch

访问 苹果公司的网站 for detailed information on configuration of the following devices: iPhone, iPod touch, iPhone 3 g, iPod touch(第二代)

If you need assistance with connecting your mobile device please visit the 帮助台 然后提交请求.